Work Principles

At the behest of Ray Dalio in his book Principles, I've begun compiling the principles that inform my working life. These have proven true thus far, but I reserve the right to modify them as I continue learning. If you resonate with these, we would probably work well together.

1. Above all, insist on clarity.
2. Value comes in making the complex, simple.
3. Have a damn opinion.
4. Be congenial but direct in your disagreements.
5. When creating, bias towards simplification rather than addition.
6. It takes an order of magnitude more work to disprove bullshit than to create it.
7. There are no bad people only bad incentives.
8. Deliver results (without crossing ethical lines), and no one will care that you didn't follow the "process".
9. Start with first-principles thinking to discover simple solutions in plain sight.
10. The 48 laws of power work, but they will kill your soul, so deploy them at your own risk.
11. Cool people want to be rich, and rich people want to be cool. Offer each what they want, and you’ll always be in demand.
12. Ask the most fundamental questions. Don't be ashamed of looking dumb.
13. Learn when to be pragmatic and when to be idealistic. There is an application time for each.
14. Design your own forcing functions to change your life.
15. Giving is the strongest economic growth influencer in the universe.

2023 - Zach Janicello

2023 - Zach Janicello